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Summer Dino Camp 2006

Dino Camp 1

Students by Mr. Stegasaurus.

Dino Camp 2

Students emmulating a real time dig for dinosaur bones...

Dino Camp 3

One student thoroughly enjoying a scrumptious taco meal at the camp... 

Dino Camp 4

More digging for dino bones...

Dino Camp 5

Students getting to pet some real donkey's...

Dino Camp 6

Students in the classroom...

Summer Dissection Camp 2006

Dissection Camp 1
Lab work...

Dissection Camp 2

Dissecting a crayfish...

Dissection Camp 3

A student hard at work....

Dissection Camp 4

Drawing the crayfish...

Dissection Camp 5

Guidance from John Nuckols...

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